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Hydrogen technology at the University of Bayreuth

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The Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Bayreuth (ZET) is actively involved in the model hydrogen region of Fichtelgebirge

23. September 2020

Landrat Peter Berek (LK Wunsiedel) spricht bei der Auftaktveranstaltung für die Wasserstoff-Modellregion Fichtelgebirge im Rahmen des "HyExpert"-Programms

The model hydrogen region of Fichtelgebirge aims to bring existing ideas and approaches to hydrogen application into a joint implementation concept within the framework of the "HyExpert" funding programme. The Centre for Energy Technology (ZET) at the University of Bayreuth is actively involved in the "Hydrogen Production" working group.

Since the kick-off meeting on 22 September 2020, all the working groups (generation, infrastructure, public transport, and logistics) have now started talks on coordination. On the basis of these coordination talks, a concept for the construction and possible expansion of an electrolysis plant at the Wunsiedel site, the construction of H2 filling stations, and numerous applications in the mobility sector are to be developed.

The project is to be funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport until the end of 2021. 

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