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Hydrogen technology at the University of Bayreuth

Competencies and selected work

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The new SPEKTRUM is here! Focus: Hydrogen

The current issue of the research magazine SPEKTRUM of the University of Bayreuth is dedicated to hydrogen.

Topic of the current issue (01/2020): Hydrogen

On our way to sustainable, climate-friendly energy supply in the 21st century, "green" hydrogen is becoming increasingly important as an energy carrier. The research and development of new hydrogen technology is being driven forward worldwide. The focus is on hydrogen production from renewable energy sources, storage and transport, and energy recovery. 

The new issue of our science magazine SPEKTRUM shows the University of Bayreuth, with its interdisciplinary network of competencies, is nurturing innovation in this field of the future. Master’s students, doctoral candidates, and postdocs are contributing to this dynamic with their own ideas and projects - because research and teaching are inseparable on the Bayreuth campus.

Issue I/2020

More about the research magazine of the University of Bayreuth, SPEKTRUM

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